Minggu, 27 Juni 2010


Rojovník (also bear košiláč (Latin: Rhododendron, sooner or ice) is a group of species of rhododendron (Rhododendron), formerly driven by botanists as a separate genus family Heathers, rhododendrons. Now it is introduced here as subsection (ice).

Sub (ice) includes eight species of evergreen shrubs with a natural occurrence in the temperate and subarctic zones of the Northern Hemisphere, also known as Labrador Tea (Labrador tea). rhododendron one classified into subsections rojovník (ice) often grows together with poisonous plants such as Kalmia polifolia and kyhanka.

Some one classified into rojovník genus (eg L. groenlandicum and L.palustre) can be easily distinguished from kyhanky rust color under hairs on the underside of the leaves.


Rhododendrons earlier one classified in the genus rojovník very rarely occur in heathland communities in the areas the CR uchráněných impact of agriculture, such as Mountains Mountains, Forest and Wetlands in the south of the CR.

Very frequently occurs rhododendron R. tomentosum in natural communities found in Poland in the National Park Park Narodowy Słowiński in the area after the extraction of peat near the village Żarnowska, then less frequently around the city and Łeba Rowy.


Leaves are linear or čárkovitý lanceolatum shape. They are tough and celokrajné. Flowers are white, small. Cherry flowers in clusters at the ends of branches. Pětičetný chalice.


Botanists merged the genus Rhododendron genus with ice. Recent genetic evidence suggests that the earlier one classified species in this genus is correctly placed in the genus Rhododendron (rhododendron), which is now as (Rhododendron) subsection (ice).

Given that some species names used in rojovníku (ice) can be used in classification (Rhododendron) (names, which were previously used for other species of rhododendron, in this large family) had to be adopted in their new names.

Source: http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rojovn%C3%ADk

See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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