Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Sweet Clover

(Melilotus), also called sweet clover is a plant genus that belongs to the subfamily of the Fabaceae (Faboideae) within the family of legumes (Fabaceae). The genus includes about 20 species. It is native to Europe and Asia.

Melilotus species are one-to two-year herbaceous plants. The alternate and spirally arranged leaves are stalked, pinnate and consist of only three leaflets. The edges of the leaflets are toothed. The stipules are united with the petiole.

The flowers are together in axillary, unbranched, spiciform inflorescences. There are only a tiny bracts present. The stalked, flowers are hermaphrodite zygomorph and five parts. The five sepals are fused bell. The more or less unequal calyx teeth is significantly shorter than the corolla tube. The five petals are yellow or white. The adherent of two petals boat is shorter than the two wings. Nine of the ten fertile stamens are fused with each other Röhrig likeness anthers. There is only one carpel oberständiges available with one to five ovules. The style is thin. The pollination is done by Hymenoptera, mainly by bees (entomophily).

The small pulse is about as long as the calyx, and contains one to four seeds. As diaspore (distribution unit) is the fruit or the seed.

Source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steinklee
See Also: sending flowers, online florist

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